Motive Co Start Recruitment Website Project
Motive Co proposes to build MESC Internet Portal. The portal will provide all the information related to the Customer as well as represent and introduce MESC.
The system will contains four main modules (Administration, Employer, Employee and Assessment Pro Module), each main module will has a different sub modules.
Administration Modules:
Administration module is the area where authorized users can define all required data as well control the system and the recruitment process. The sub modules in the administration area are:
CV’s Assessment Module:
In this module admin(s) can select from the CV’s pool and recommend it to employer for a certain job, as well assign CV’s for third party assessment professional and get the feedback reports.
Pre-Defined Data:
This module will contains the core data for the system.
User Module:
Admin can define user to be involved in the back end module as well approve the participant such as employers and Assessment Pro.
The reports module will contains up to twenty reports. All reports will be discussed in the analysis phase and should be compatible with system modules and data.
Employer Module:
In this module, Employer will be able all the required operation such as:
Advertise for new post:
- See the recommended CV’s in first level (Admin Assessment)
- See the recommended CV’s in second level (Assessment Pro. feedback)
Employee Module:
Employee will be able to define his/her experience by filling the required data as well attaching any additional documents to his profile.
Assessment Pro. Module:
Approved Assessment Pro. Will be able to access the recommended CV’s based on his experience to evaluate. Professional can request to do assessment for certain CV’s as well admin can assign CV to the professional.
Recruitment Process:
- Employer define a new post
- Admin will do assessment on the available CV’s and recommend number of CV’s to employer
- Employer will approve all recommended CV’s or some of it
- Admin will assign approved CV’s to Assessment Pro.
- Assessment Pro. Will do all required assessment and submit his feedback
- Admin will send the approved CV’s again to employer after the final assessment.
- Training will be provided on the following:
- Train the trainer to train employees
- Administration and Configuration
- The training will be provided in MESC premises in a training room. QTY of training is 2 (End user and Administrator) and capacity of attendees is dependent on the training room
Training Duration: 1 Week